Today we'll GET TO KNOW about some phrasal verbs. What are they? जब एक 'verb' यानी क्रिया को किसी दूसरे element, जैसे कि क्रिया-विशेषण (adverb) या पूर्वसर्ग (preposition) या फिर दोनों,...
Today we'll GET TO KNOW about some phrasal verbs. What are they? जब एक 'verb' यानी क्रिया को किसी दूसरे element, जैसे कि क्रिया-विशेषण (adverb) या पूर्वसर्ग (preposition) या फिर दोनों,...
We all learned different uses of the word WORTH in our last blog. Today we'll move a step forward and learn some 'Worth Idioms and Phrases'. Let's make our communication skills a little more worthy. NET WOTH Meaning: It is the total value of a person's/company's assets after deducting all the...
Winter is finally here and pleasantly so. सर्दियों का मौसम अक्सर लोगों का favourite season होता है। Winters bring relief from the sweltering summer sun and there are festivities everywhere. हम सभी किसी न किसी...
Compliment सुनना किसे पसंद नहीं? किसी के मुँह से सुनी एक छोटी सी तारीफ भी आपका दिन बना देती है। But the question is- HOW OFTEN DO YOU COMPLIMENT SOMEONE? जब बात...
How often does that happen to you that you are in the middle of a conversation and suddenly you find yourself at a loss of an important word which you JUST CAN'T REMEMBER? And then you forget about the conversation and begin the saga of explaining all the attributes of that word hoping that your listener...