Learn to use 'Could have' 'Would have' and 'Should have'

Today we'll venture into the world of English grammar and learn some basic but correct uses of: 'COULD HAVE' 'WOULD HAVE' ' SHOULD HAVE' WHAT ARE THEY? These are actually past modals that are useful for expressing your present feelings about a past decision (or other action). 'COULD HAVE'...

Teacher's Day Wishes and Quotes

Happiness is wishing your teachers a HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY! जैसा की हम जानते हैं, India में September 5 को Teachers' Day यानी शिक्षक दिवस मनाया जाता है। It's one of those special bonds that we all must cherish...

Apostrophe: Do's and Don'ts

हमारे लास्ट ब्लॉग में हमने बात की थी apostrophe के basic uses के बारे में। Today we'll get to learn some more complex details about this ever so confusing punctuation mark. जैसा की आप जानते...

Understanding the APOSTROPHE

When it comes to an apostrophe, I'd say it's one of the most confused punctuation marks. Let's try to deal with it today. (click here to read our last blog: Punctuation Marks Decoded) WHEN TO USE APOSTROPHE?   To indicate possession Apostrophe का सबसे महत्वपुर्ण...


My new year resolution is to become more and more optimistic towards life. What about you? हमारे पिछले blog में हमने सीखा था किस तरह अपने regrets और wishes को English में express किया जाता है। ...

Showing 51 to 55 of 195 (39 Pages)


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