One of the biggest dilemmas of conversational skills is when you have to express your contradiction without hurting or offending someone. At times, it's just too hard to RESPECTFULLY DISAGREE! हमारे आसपास बहुत से ऐसे लोग होते हैं जिन्हें...
One of the biggest dilemmas of conversational skills is when you have to express your contradiction without hurting or offending someone. At times, it's just too hard to RESPECTFULLY DISAGREE! हमारे आसपास बहुत से ऐसे लोग होते हैं जिन्हें...
The best thing that we all heard in this atrocious weather is the declaration by our PM regarding the discontinuation of the use of red beacons on so-called VIP vehicles. This was a crucial step towards ending the 'VIP culture' in the country. किसी गाड़ी पर लाल बत्ती...
Hinkhoj Team is happy to share with you all that we have released a new updated version of our English-Hindi dictionary app "HinKhoj" with lots of new features for our users. हमारी टीम app को प्रयोक्ता-मैत्रीपूर्ण (user-friendly) बनाने...
I Don't know about you, but my mind was blown when I realised for the first time that DISINTERESTED is not just another word that you can use in place of UNINTERESTED. THEY ARE DIFFERENT! आपको यह सुनकर ज़्यादा हैरानी नहीं होगी कि...
These days English is not an alien language. But many a time, we all come across certain FANCY English words that we have no clue about. यह fancy English words कभी magazines या newspaper, या फिर कभी English movies के द्वारा हम तक पहुंच...