3 most common mistakes while writing or speaking English

Most Common Mistake 1: Redundant words: हम लोग कई बार English बोलते समय कुछ redundant words (अनावश्यक शब्दों) का प्रयोग करते हैं। ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा words का...

How to build vocabulary to start thinking in English?

[caption id="attachment_488" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Build Vocabulary with Hinkhoj[/caption] How would you know that you are good at speaking English? One way to tell is when you can speak in English with a native English speaker, you must be good at it. Another way is to sit down and try...

Things you need to know before building English vocabulary?

English has become an important part of our personal and professional lives even though its not our first language. In today's time, English has almost surpassed Hindi as the preferred language of both communication and instruction . Realizing how important English has become, most of us wish to...

History behind the month July

[caption id="attachment_466" align="alignnone" width="640"] Word Facts[/caption] जुलाई (July) का पहले (मूल) नाम "Quintilis"था (जिसका लैटिन में अर्थ "fifth -  पाँचवा" होता है) जो रोमन कैलेंडर...

Origin of the word Yoga

योग की शुरुआत 5000 वर्ष पहले उत्तरी भारत में सिंधु - सरस्वती सभ्यता (Indus-Sarasvati civilization) में हुई थी। योग का सबसे पहले, हिन्दूओं के...

Showing 176 to 180 of 195 (39 Pages)


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