Year 2012- Top 10 most searched English word in dictionary

Last year (2012) in our endeavour to provide you the best Hindi English dictionary we made many improvements like making the search faster, adding more words and additional details per word.

Users have been using our dictionary for various purposes. We have users who are students, grandparents teaching hindi to their grandchildren, housewifes, job seekers as well as employed people using our dictionary on a daily basis.Looking back at the previous year,  below are 10 most searched English word in HinKhoj Hindi English Dictionary: 1. Poke                   (check meaning of poke) 2. Name                 (check meaning of Name) 3. Spouse               (check meaning of Spouse) 4. Mean                  (check meaning of Mean) 5. Cinnamon          (check meaning of Cinnamon) 6. Avocado             (check meaning of Avocado) 7. Oat                     (check meaning of Oat) 8. Porn                   (check meaning of Porn) 9. Yogurt                (check meaning of Yogurt) 10. Celery              (check meaning of Celery) Keep using our services and providing us your valuable feedback.


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