Words to Use Instead of 'VERY' - 2

Many a time people ask me...Can you replace the word 'VERY' with something that sounds smart and better? And my answer is, YES OF COURSE! जैसा कि मैंने last blog में mention किया कि 'VERY' एक ऐसा शब्द है जिसे हम अक्सर अपनी आम बोल चाल में overuse करते हैं। I'm not saying that it's completely wrong, but then, it's also not completely correct to do so. ज़्यादातर Very शब्द का प्रयोग हम तब करते हैं जब हमे किसी शब्द की value पर emphasise करना होता है। For example: • You look very very beautiful. सुनने में लगेगा की आप पूरे दिल से किसी की खूबसूरती की तारीफ कर रहे हैं पर फिर भी एक आम शब्द यानी 'beautiful'  का इस्तेमाल करने से आपकी compliment का impression कुछ फीका पड़ सकता है। Try this: • You look gorgeous. Now, when you say that to someone, it makes your compliment much more appealing (and the gorgeous person will blush like anything?). Sometimes, we use 'VERY' when we just can't remember the exact word which could be frustrating. But, I'm here to help.? Let's continue from where we left off. (CLICK HERE to read 'Words to Use Instead of VERY – 1') very2-min-1 VERY CALM = SERENE • Doing yoga in open air makes my mind very calm. • Doing yoga in open air makes my mind serene. • खुली हवा में योग करने से मेरा मन शांत हो जाता है। VERY TIRED = EXHAUSTED • I can't come to the party, I'm very tired. • I can't come to the party, I'm exhausted. • मैं पार्टी में नहीं आ सकता, मैं बहुत थक गया हूं। VERY OFTEN = FREQUENTLY • I come to this coffee shop very often. • I come to this coffee shop frequently. • मैं इस कॉफी शॉप में अक्सर आती हूं। VERY HAPPY= ECSTATIC • Rahul was very happy to hear that he came top in the examination. • Rahul was ecstatic to hear that he came top in the examination. • राहुल यह सुनकर बेहद खुश था कि वह परीक्षा में अव्वल आया है। VERY BUSY = SWAMPED • Don't disturb me, I'm very busy right now. • Don't disturb me, I'm swamped right now. • मुझे परेशान मत करो, मैं अभी काम में बहुत व्यस्त हूं। VERY SCARED = PETRIFIED • He is very scared to sit in the aeroplane. • He is petrified to sit in the aeroplane • उसे हवाई जहाज़ में बैठने से बहुत डर लगता है। VERY SERIOUS = GRAVE • He had a very serious expression on his face. • He had a grave expression on his face. • उसके चेहरे पर एक बहुत ही गंभीर भाव था। VERY DIFFICULT = ARDUOUS • Explaining to him is a very difficult task for me. • Explaining to him is an arduous task for me. • उसे समझाना मेरे लिए एक बहुत ही कठिन काम है। VERY TALENTED = GIFTED • Your son is a very talented singer. • Your son is a gifted singer. • आपका बेटा एक बहुत प्रतिभाशाली गायक है। VERY SMALL = PETITE • Her dress was very small. • Her dress was petite. • उसकी पोशाक बहुत छोटी थी। You must have realised by now that avoiding to use 'VERY' makes your plain-jane vocab, hip and happening.? I hope next time you won't call 'Very' to your rescue. Don't forget o read our other vocabulary-building blogs: ‘Used To’: How To Use It Correctly? Which Vs. That: Differences and Usage Click to download our newly updated and loaded with new features 'Hindi-English' dictionary app HinKhoj


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