Every language in the world is an amalgamation of many other languages and English is no exception. English language में अनेकों ऐसे शब्द हैं जो की foreign languages जैसे की Latin, Spanish, Hindi से लिए गए हैं। कुछ शब्द वक़्त के साथ व अन्य कारणों से modify यानी बदल चुके हैं और आज वे अपनी native भाषा यानी language of origin से हटकर English का ही हिस्सा बन चुके हैं। लेकिन आज भी कुछ ऐसे words और phrases हैं जो की आम बोल चाल में प्रयोग तो किये जाते हैं परंतु उनकी मूल भाषा और pronunciation को बदला नही गया है। अगर आप अपनी spoken English skills को और भी बेहतर व impressive बनाना चाहते हैं तो यह काफी नही कि आप अपनी सीखने की जिज्ञासा को सिर्फ English vocabulary तक ही सीमित कर दें, बल्कि आपको common foreign phrases की जानकारी होना भी आवश्यक है। Today we're going to learn about such 'Foreign words and phrases' that we hear all the time but at times, don't understand. Well, not anymore. So as a friend of mine would like to say, without further ado, let's begin. ALFRESCO Origin: Italian Translation: In the fresh (air) Meaning: Used to define an outdoor activity or something that's done out in the open air ( कोई बाहरी गतिविधि या खुली हवा में कोई काम करना ) • We had an alfresco lunch yesterday. CARPE DIEM Origin: Latin Translation: Seize the day Meaning: To enjoy the pleasures of the present moment without concern for the future ( भविष्य की चिंता करे बगैर वर्त्तमान की खुशियों का आनंद उठाना ) • Every time I'm worried about the consequences of my actions, I just say to myself, 'Carpe diem' and get on with it. TETE-A-TETE Origin: French Translation: Head-to-head or face-to-face Meaning: A private conversation between two people ( दो लोगों के बीच अकेले मे व गोपनीय रूप से बातचीत होना ) • I heard that Janice is having a tete-a-tete lunch with her secret boyfriend. KLUTZ Origin: Yiddish Translation: Wooden block (dull) Meaning: A clumsy and foolish person ( एक अनाड़ी और मूर्ख व्यक्ति ) • How can you trust him with such an important work? You should know that he is a klutz. JOIE de VIVRE Origin: French Translation: Joy of living Meaning: An expression to show the exuberant enjoyment of life ( जीवन जीने का अत्यंत आनंद/उल्लास ) • Believe it or not but my pet dog is filled with joie de vivre. DEJA VU Origin: French Translation: Already seen Meaning: A feeling of having already experienced the present situation ( किसी वर्तमान स्थिति में आभास होना कि वह घटना पहले ही घट चुकी है ) • When I saw her enter the room, I had a strong feeling of deja vu. CURRICULUM VITAE or CV Origin: Latin Translation: Course of life Meaning: A brief description of someone's academic records and work experiences, commonly used to apply for a job ( शैक्षिक अभिलेख एवं कार्य अनुभव का एक संक्षिप्त ब्यौरा जिसका इस्तेमाल नौकरी के आवेदन के लिए किया जाता है ) • I am desperate to get a job and I have sent my CV to every possible company. STATUS QUO Origin: Latin Translation: The state in which... Meaning: The existing situation or condition ( यथास्थिति या मौजूदा हालात ) • We will have to maintain the status quo till the dispute is settled by the court. FAUX PAS Origin: French Translation: False step Meaning: an embarrassing social blunder ( एक समाजिक गलती/बेवकूफी ) • Her outfit on the red carpet was the biggest fashion faux pas of this year. BON VOYAGE Origin: French Translation: Good journey Meaning: used to wish someone for a pleasant journey or a new beginning ( सुखद यात्रा या नई शुरुआत के लिए शुभकामनाएं देना ) • We all went to the airport to wish him good luck and bon voyage for his new journey. Hopefully, next time you hear these words or phrases in an English conversation, you won't scratch your head or end up making a language faux pas but would know what they mean. Take a step ahead in learning about foreign languages words used in everyday communication by reading our blog on Commonly Mispronounced Foreign Food Items. To improve your vocabulary and communication skills, download our apps Namaste English and HinKhoj.