Commonly Mispronounced Car Brand Names

When it comes to Brand names, we all have a tendency to mispronounce them. Not that we can't say the correct pronunciation, but since these brand names come from a totally different language, somehow we twist their pronunciation according to our first language. Another reason for such mispronunciation is the way they are written. Almost all international brands have English alphabets in their spellings and that's where our tongues trip. Every language has it's own pronunciation of English alphabets, for example: • In Spanish, alphabet A is always pronounced as in the English word CAR. • Germans pronounce their W as English letter V. I have this friend who is crazy about cars but not so much crazy about saying their name. He seems to know everything about them except for the correct pronunciation of their names. I'm sure many of you could relate to my poor car enthusiast friend. Well, It's about time that you all learn to correctly pronounce these international car names ( and car brand names) and say them like a pro. So here goes: 1. AUDI audi-min Wrong: 'au-' as in the word AUDIT. correct: 'au-' is pronounced like 'oww' (the sound that you make when you are hurt). 2. CHEVROLET _CHEVROLET-min Wrong: shev-ro-let where 't' is quite audible just like in the word LET. Correct: shev-ruh-ley. The '-ro' is actually pronounced as in the word ROUGH while the syllable '-ley' should sound like English word LAY which means 't' is supposed to be silent. 3. HYUNDAI HYUNDAI-min Wrong: Hyoon-dey. The 'hu-' is wrongly spelled like in the word HUGE and to pronounce '-dai' as in the word DICE would be incorrect here. Correct: Hun-dey, said almost like SUNDAY. 4. PORSCHE porche-min Wrong: porsh. Sweet and simple but wrong. Correct: por-sha, just like the Italians would say. 5. RENAULT renault-min Wrong: re-nault where 'nault' is said like the word FAULT. Correct: re-no, the 'L' and the 't' are silent. 6. BUICK BUICK-min Wrong: boo-ik, you are not supposed to say 'boo' Correct: byoo-ik. Say the first syllable like you say in the word BEAUTIFUL. 7. CITROEN citroen-min Wrong: sit-ro-in, the 'o' and the 'i' are not to be exaggerated. Correct: Seet-tro-en. Say the 'en' like you actually say the alphabet N and if you can, try not to pronounce the 'r'. 8. LANCIA lancia-min Wrong: laan-see-ya Correct: lan-sha, 'cha' is pronounced as 'sha' as in the word SHARK. 9. BMW bmw-min Wrong: bee-em-doublyu, just like we say the English alphabets. Correct: bee-em-vee. Germans, as mentioned earlier, pronounce their 'W' as the English alphabet 'V'. 10. MASERATI MASERATI-min Wrong: maa-say-rati, just like it's spelt, but again that's where we make the mistake. Correct: maa-zay-rati, the 's' is pronounced like english 'z'. To learn more, download our ‘English to Hindi’ dictionary app HinKhoj  


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