Board Exams: PLEASURE or PRESSURE. You Decide.

IT'S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN. If you live in India then you must be familiar with the concept of BOARD EXAMS. No, THE DREADED BOARD EXAMS. अगर आप एक high school student हैं या फिर एक high school student के अभिभावक हैं तो आपके आने वाले कुछ महीने चिंता में गुज़रने  वाले हैं । Students को stress होगा परीक्षा में अच्छे नंबर लाने का ताकि वे माता-पिता की अपेक्षाओं को पूरा कर सकें और parents को stress है की उनके बच्चे अच्छे marks लाकर अपने भविष्य को secure कर सकें । study-min (1) First, let me make a list of all those things that you'll be doing in the coming months: NO T.V. ♦ LATE NIGHT STUDY SESSIONS. ♦ OCCASIONAL SCOLDING. ♦ NOT GOING OUT WITH FRIENDS ♦ NOT EATING ON TIME OR BINGE EATING ♦ BEING SLEEP DEPRIVED OR SLEEPING TOO MUCH. And the list will go on. पर क्या ये सही है? The answer is NO. जब भी बात आती है board exams की तो आप, as parents, ये decide कर लेते हैं की इससे ज़्यादा ज़रूरी आपके बच्चों की life में कुछ नहीं है और अगर आने वाले 2 से 3 महीने उन्होंने बेहिसाब मेहनत नही की तो वे ज़िन्दगी में कुछ नही बन सकेंगे। शायद यह बताने की ज़रूरत नही है की यह बात सुनने में ही कितनी बेतुकी सी लगती है। I know that not all the parents think the same way but the reality is that most of them do. All I can say is that a school exam can NEVER decide what would happen to your entire future life. It's just a stepping stone or a ladder towards your future. कुछ ही दिन पहले हमने अपने प्रधान मंत्री को मन की बात के माध्यम से यह विशेष तौर पर कहते सुना कि परीक्षा उत्सव का विषय है, डर या परेशानी का नही। As a parent, you play a crucial role during the exam time to motivate your child and to help them relax and thus perform better in their exams. blog-min (1) Here, I'm telling you a few motivational phrases to boost your child's confidence:

  • Your grades are important but they don't decide your entire future.
  • Exams are not to be stressful about but just a way to celebrate what you have learned.
  • Do not stress about getting good marks, just do your best.
  • Exams don’t test your knowledge as much as they test your state of mind so be relaxed and calm down, I am sure you will do fine.
  • Ace your exams by giving it your best shot.
  • No matter what grades you get, we'll always be proud of you.
  • Have faith in yourself and you'll come out with flying colors.
  • An exam is not only a test of your academic knowledge, it is a test of your calmness, stability, and courage. All the best.
  • Exams may be compulsory but stressing out about it is a choice that isn’t. Good luck.
  • Compete with yourself and not the world.
जब अभिभावक अपने बच्चों को exam time पर motivate और encourage करेंगे तो इसका students पर एक positive असर होगा और उनका confidence भी बढ़ जाएगा। And again as our P.M. said: Parents need to accept, guide and give time to their children. माता-पिता को अपने बच्चों को परीक्षा के समय में calm और relaxed रहना सिखाना चाहिए, उनकी क्षमता को स्वीकारना चाहिए और अंत में उन्हें समय देना चाहिए के वह अपनी प्रतिभा के अनुसार परीक्षा की तैयारी कर सकें। As parents, if you help and support your children with encouraging words then surely they'll perform well in the upcoming exams rather than being under the stress and fear of their parent's expectations. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THOSE PREPARING FOR THE BOARD EXAMS. हिंदी के माध्यम से अंग्रेजी सिखने के लिए download करें हमारी English learning app  Namaste English.


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