Oftenly Mispronounced English Words

When it comes to pronunciation, English is a tricky language and has numerous words and phrases that are oftenly mispronounced. One of the biggest reason is that English is a widely used language and it's bound to have many dialects, and thus many many different pronunciations of a single word. यूँ...

Prepositions of Time -2

Prepositions यानी सम्बन्ध सूचक अव्यय उन शब्दों को काहा जाता है जो हमे वाक्य के subject का सम्बन्ध वाक्य के अन्य शब्दों के साथ जोड़ने...

'Used To' : How To Use It Correctly?

Some say that 'Used to' is a phrasal verb while some say it's a modal verb. Well, whatever it is, it's surely one hell of a confusion. OKAY, let's not get into the technicalities and try to understand the usage of this expression in a simple way. USED TO एक ऐसा English expression है...

Heat Idioms and Phrases

If you live in and around Delhi then you all must be roasting in the scorching heat for the past few days. Summer is generally a pleasant weather in most of the part of the world, but not when you live around the Oh so hot EQUATOR! पिछले कुछ सालों से हम सभी...

Accept Vs. Except Vs. Expect-Differences and Usage

ACCEPT and EXCEPT are 'Homophones' while EXPECT is a word with a similar (and confusing) spelling with the word Except. Once again, we are going to battle against the clan of ever so confusing words found in the English language. Well, life is unfair, and so is ENGLISH. सबसे पहले...

Showing 121 to 125 of 195 (39 Pages)


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