The transliteration rules are shown below with examples.
अ = a, आ = A,aa, इ = i, ई = I,ee, उ = u, ऊ = U
ऋ = R, ऎ = E, ए = e, ऐ= ai,
ऒ = O, ओ = o, औ
= au अं = aM अँ=a~M
व्यजंन + मात्रा [ उदाहरण]:
Hindi OutPut | क् | क | का | के | कै | कि | की | को | कौ | कु | कू | कं | कँ |
English Input | k | ka | kA | ke | kai | ki | kI | ko | kau | ku | kU | kM | k~M |
क़ = K ----> हक़िक़त = haKIKat
ख़ = Kh ----> ख़ुश = Khush
ग़ = G ----> पैग़ाम = paiGAm
ज़ = Z ----> बज़ार = baZAr
ड़ = DD ----> किलाड़ि = KilADDi
ढ़ = DH ----> सीढ़ी = sIDHI
फ़= F ---> काफ़ि = kAFi
य़ = Y
The English symbols [ ] { } ( ) - + * / = ? ; : . , " ? ! % \ ~ _ translate into the same symbols in Devanagari also.
Transliteration for Hindi and Marathi languages are the same. In the Hindi/Marati transliteration, an implicit 'a' matra is assumed for the last consonant of the word. But, in Sanskrit transilteraion, 'a' matra has to be explicitely specified for the last consonant of the word. Otherwise, the halant sign would be used for the same. This is the only difference between Hindi/Marathi and Sanskrit transliteration.
Hinkhoj provides a very simple to use but powerful Hindi to English and English to Hindi
The ShabdKhoj supports multiple input type. User can type a Hindi word in Hindi
script(Devanagari) or English script or an English word in English or Hindi script. The
ShabdKhoj will be able to display the right result in all the cases.
For instance, lets take the word book or पुस्तक. User can search for either "book"
or बुक (book in Hindi script) or पुस्तक or pustak (पुस्तक in English script) and get the
meaning of the word.
Converting a hindi word into devanagiri script is very easy, just press space
after you complete your word. For instance type "pustak" in the input box and press
space, the word will change to पुस्तक.
Ask questions to HinKhoj team at info[at]
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हिंखोज शब्दमाला उपयोग करना बेहद आसान हैं|
आप किसी भी अंगेरजी और हिंदी शब्द को अंग्रेजी अथवा हिंदी लिपि में टाइप कर के उसका मतलब
पता लगा सकतें हैं|
यदि आपको बुक का मतलब चाहिए तो आप book अथवा बुक टाइप करें और दोनों ही तरीकों से आपको सही
मतलब मिल जायेगा|